Unweekend in Zurich
The scientific excellence and well-being initiative fosters excellence, well-being and mental strength among researchers. This weekend serves as time for current and prospective contributors of the initiative to think about how the initiative could evolve. Especially, we want
- Build team spirit
- Network and get new ideas and perspectives
- Brainstorm ideas for events
- Reflect on the goal of the initiative and how to move it forward
- Get a motivational kick and build momentum
- Onboard new people interested in contributing to the initiative
- “Untime” (Open space and time which participants will fill with their topics and wishes)
- Cooking together, Bonfire evening, with outdoor cooking
- Brainstorming/creative session
- Meditation/mindfulness practice
- Session to reflect on and define the vision of the initiative
- Teambuilding (e.g some outdoor games)
- Leisure time (e.g. small hike, …)
When, Where Start: Friday, October 1st, 17:06 in Turbenthal (leaving from Zurich HB at 16:16) End: Sunday, roughly 16:00
We go food shopping for our jointly cooked meals in Turbenthal. Afterwards we do a shuttle by car to our location: https://www.gruppenhaus.ch/de/haus/partyhaus/neugueetli-steinenbach/400
What to bring?
- Sleeping bag (if you dont have one, contact Flo)
- Whatever you need for the weekend.
Costs 70 CHF plus your own transportation. This includes all food and the accommodation. Questions, Registration For questions and registration contact anyone of the organization team.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the weekend!
Alex, Flo, Hung, Matilda, Tobias