Generating and Executing Ideas
Due to COVID travel restrictions this workshop is postponed to 2022
Science is all about generating ideas and executing them!
- Have you ever observed a researcher with a seemingly endless pipeline of brilliant ideas?
- Do you have 10 perfect paper ideas, but struggle to find resources to execute them?
- Do you wonder how to contribute meaningfully to 10 papers at the same time, if writing one already takes all your time?
You likely already developed your own sophisticated strategies to master these questions. Maybe you use open-source as a tool to enable collaboration, take inspiration from improv theater to brainstorm effectively, or take advantage of teaching and supervision to get in touch with researched-focused students early on?
In this Unworkshop, we will approach the practical side of idea generation and as a first step harvest the great strategies already in existence within our peer group:
- Let's share our connections into the open-source ecosystem!
- Let's share the nuances of the UoE supervision system and explore how we can align our it with our research interests?
- Let's develop a powerful toolbox of strategies to create and execute our personal scientific visions!
- ...
Location: Informatics Forum, Room 'MiniForum 2' (4th floor, next to the roof terrace)
Organizers: Alexander Viand (ETH), Ohad Kamar, Tobias Grosser