Student Supervision Workshop
June 13, 14:00-20:00 (UK), 15:00-21:00 (CH)
How can we fuel the motivation of the student? What attitude serves me and the student? What is my supervision style and where does it come from? How to innovate student supervision? We meet outdoors on Zurichberg in order to reflect on our supervision styles and will address above questions with interactive and experience based methods. Further, you will have the chance to bring your questions and ideas to discuss with your peers.
When, where and how?
Date: June 13th & 14th, 15:00 - 21:00 Format: outdoor on Zurichberg (if weather permits, otherwise CAB), we will have a joint outdoor picnic/dinner
Organizer and Facilitator: Flo from Go with the Flo
Participation fee 30 CHF. Sign-up here: Registration.
Who can participate?
D-INFK members and other researchers and their +1s